Love Notes
Let us rise on the breath of a prayer
as we embrace the intention to connect ever higher
for only love will take us there
The Christ story ~ The Magdalene story ~ their story ~ forever united in unimaginable heartbreak and incredible divine love. We resurrect ourselves through the heart and soul of their story, for it is our story, alive in our hearts.
It doesn’t just happen at Easter. It happens every single day; heartbreak and resurrection. We are constantly resurrecting ourselves from the p ains and sorrows of this world.
There are some who have an undeniable, infinite connection with the story of Christ and Mary Magdalene. It is because it is a part of you, as if it all happened today in this lifetime. It is as much a part of you as the breath you breathe.
Not everyone will understand, but those that do have a special bond and those that do carry the story in their hearts and there it shall remain until the day comes when every tear is washed away.
Their story of horror and heartbreak and the true glory of the resurrection is our story for we live the resurrection of our hearts constantly. There is a purpose to it. There is a sacred energy that exists throughout all time and at the very root of it all there is a chalice. It is the chalice of love. The chalice of love is the vessel of truth, the vessel of acceptance and forgiveness; the vessel of the infinite; the vessel of you and the vessel of me.
And through the pain and suffering in our lives we must always come back to the chalice; the chalice of hope and redemption; the chalice of resurrection. This is our hope. This is our truth. This is our story.
Once they walked upon this earth. Once they lived a story for all time. Once they proved that love is infinite and the soul never dies. We are the light bearers who carry the story.
It doesn’t just happen at Easter. It happens every single day; heartbreak and resurrection. We are constantly resurrecting ourselves from the p ains and sorrows of this world.
There are some who have an undeniable, infinite connection with the story of Christ and Mary Magdalene. It is because it is a part of you, as if it all happened today in this lifetime. It is as much a part of you as the breath you breathe.
Not everyone will understand, but those that do have a special bond and those that do carry the story in their hearts and there it shall remain until the day comes when every tear is washed away.
Their story of horror and heartbreak and the true glory of the resurrection is our story for we live the resurrection of our hearts constantly. There is a purpose to it. There is a sacred energy that exists throughout all time and at the very root of it all there is a chalice. It is the chalice of love. The chalice of love is the vessel of truth, the vessel of acceptance and forgiveness; the vessel of the infinite; the vessel of you and the vessel of me.
And through the pain and suffering in our lives we must always come back to the chalice; the chalice of hope and redemption; the chalice of resurrection. This is our hope. This is our truth. This is our story.
Once they walked upon this earth. Once they lived a story for all time. Once they proved that love is infinite and the soul never dies. We are the light bearers who carry the story.
And still I weep
when I look upon his face
for I carry the memory still
the memory of love
the memory of light
the memory of how it should be
the beauty the sorrow
the joy and the pain
the heaven the earth and the hell
it all remains a part of me
a living consecration
baptized by fire
soothed by the spirit
most holy and sanctified
revelation of love
crown of thorns
whispering through the ages
the bitter the sweet
the love and the hate
the forgiveness beyond comprehension
all of this is part of me
as I am part of him
and so I look upon his face
and still I weep and weep
when I look upon his face
for I carry the memory still
the memory of love
the memory of light
the memory of how it should be
the beauty the sorrow
the joy and the pain
the heaven the earth and the hell
it all remains a part of me
a living consecration
baptized by fire
soothed by the spirit
most holy and sanctified
revelation of love
crown of thorns
whispering through the ages
the bitter the sweet
the love and the hate
the forgiveness beyond comprehension
all of this is part of me
as I am part of him
and so I look upon his face
and still I weep and weep
May I be a vessel of love
breathing in stars
and my ancient birthright
may I be a shining light
for those who wander and feel alone
may the flame of truth that dwells in my heart
spread like a wildfire
awakening the many
may the cosmic energies
reigning down upon us
open our hearts
and unite our world
May Love and Peace Prevail
breathing in stars
and my ancient birthright
may I be a shining light
for those who wander and feel alone
may the flame of truth that dwells in my heart
spread like a wildfire
awakening the many
may the cosmic energies
reigning down upon us
open our hearts
and unite our world
May Love and Peace Prevail
There are stories upon stories to tell. There is beauty and majesty and spiritual nourishment to lift us and sustain us through the constant unveiling of some very dark agendas.
We can not turn our heads nor only see that which is beautiful for the dark and ugly builds strength and fortitude and grants the opportunity for the greatest light.
Each soul’s light is bright enough to vanquish the darkest and most unimaginable atrocity. With intention and conscious awareness we see, feel and transmute through our thoughts, our bodies and our truth.
This is the magic.
This is the alchemy.
Nature is our elixir.
Earth is our breath sanctified.
The stars our crowning glory.
We are almost there.
Don’t give up.
We can not turn our heads nor only see that which is beautiful for the dark and ugly builds strength and fortitude and grants the opportunity for the greatest light.
Each soul’s light is bright enough to vanquish the darkest and most unimaginable atrocity. With intention and conscious awareness we see, feel and transmute through our thoughts, our bodies and our truth.
This is the magic.
This is the alchemy.
Nature is our elixir.
Earth is our breath sanctified.
The stars our crowning glory.
We are almost there.
Don’t give up.
I want to talk about
the things we try not to talk about
Because it is too painful
Because we do not wish to show
Our suffering
Our sadness
Our hopelessness
Our wounds
We are these things
We are our stories
Our lives
Our hopes and our hopelessness
We are allowed to FEEL
and to SPEAK
Of who we are
And what we feel
ALL of it
The Ugly and the Beautiful
We are magnificent
Because we embrace
And embody
And transcend
Moment by moment
Our personal crushing sorrows
Our physical suffering
Our despair for the earth
And our unbearable disappointment in humanity
We are a living miracle
Falling and rising
Weeping and rejoicing
We do not have one without the other
We are our sorrows and our joys
We are the bitter and the sweet
We are the brokenhearted and the victorious
Let us proclaim it all
With reverence
Let us not run
From the deepest darkest places
For there and only there
shall we begin to find our way to the light
the things we try not to talk about
Because it is too painful
Because we do not wish to show
Our suffering
Our sadness
Our hopelessness
Our wounds
We are these things
We are our stories
Our lives
Our hopes and our hopelessness
We are allowed to FEEL
and to SPEAK
Of who we are
And what we feel
ALL of it
The Ugly and the Beautiful
We are magnificent
Because we embrace
And embody
And transcend
Moment by moment
Our personal crushing sorrows
Our physical suffering
Our despair for the earth
And our unbearable disappointment in humanity
We are a living miracle
Falling and rising
Weeping and rejoicing
We do not have one without the other
We are our sorrows and our joys
We are the bitter and the sweet
We are the brokenhearted and the victorious
Let us proclaim it all
With reverence
Let us not run
From the deepest darkest places
For there and only there
shall we begin to find our way to the light
I rise
and lift the cloak of darkness
the black shroud meant to keep me
from seeing and remembering
and as I breathe
my crown of remembrance Illuminates and shines
and in my right hand
the spear of hope and strength is lifted
as my feet stand firmly planted on the moon of my intention
Divine Feminine blessings pour out of my mouth
great wisdom and long forgotten truths
stream from my fingertips
and the love that has been lost for so long
pours out of my heart
and showers upon the land and her people
The power and beauty
of the divine feminine
is rising
in response to all suppression
all injustice
all acts of terrorism
She is ever present
within each and every one of us
Breathe her in
of the divine feminine
is rising
in response to all suppression
all injustice
all acts of terrorism
She is ever present
within each and every one of us
Breathe her in
All that is transpiring now on this planet is the collapse of all that is false, and all that does not serve. There is a new sun, there is a new day, there is a new and fresh air to be breathed. There is hope for the hopeless and strength for the weak. The power of love, born of heaven, rains down on those who continue to believe in the magnificent power of a pure heart and a loving landscape of a new earth created by this love.
The memory of heaven on earth awakens now, day by day, moment by moment and thought by thought. The magnitude and memory of this love cracks the shell of illusion in our hearts and upon our land. It moves through our bodies, it rumbles through our earth. It lights up our skies. For the emergence of this love is all that we have yearned for and all that earth has yearned for. For the earth is as weary as we, of battles fought upon her back. She cries rivers of tears, she trembles beneath our feet, and she prays that we shall see and hear and feel the call to love.
Golden healing energies stream down as stars and benevolent beings come to our aid for our loving thoughts and deeds rise up and merge with dimensions and universes as our ancient beloved star families feel us and hear us and respond.
May we trust our hearts and our inner knowings. May we remember the first dawn of all that was good. May we ignite our power through releasing and remembering. May we expand our hearts through this love remembered. And may we walk unafraid, hand in hand, with the Golden Ones who come from the stars…for the time is at hand.
The memory of heaven on earth awakens now, day by day, moment by moment and thought by thought. The magnitude and memory of this love cracks the shell of illusion in our hearts and upon our land. It moves through our bodies, it rumbles through our earth. It lights up our skies. For the emergence of this love is all that we have yearned for and all that earth has yearned for. For the earth is as weary as we, of battles fought upon her back. She cries rivers of tears, she trembles beneath our feet, and she prays that we shall see and hear and feel the call to love.
Golden healing energies stream down as stars and benevolent beings come to our aid for our loving thoughts and deeds rise up and merge with dimensions and universes as our ancient beloved star families feel us and hear us and respond.
May we trust our hearts and our inner knowings. May we remember the first dawn of all that was good. May we ignite our power through releasing and remembering. May we expand our hearts through this love remembered. And may we walk unafraid, hand in hand, with the Golden Ones who come from the stars…for the time is at hand.
turn the ancient key
of power
and step into
the now
reawaken and reclaim
the alchemical golden magic
the power of love
and truth
speak the ancient language
of the heart
and call forth
the symbolic mystical application
forged by the heart, power and will
of the feminine
pronounce it
and announce it
feel it
breathe it
and will it
so be it
of power
and step into
the now
reawaken and reclaim
the alchemical golden magic
the power of love
and truth
speak the ancient language
of the heart
and call forth
the symbolic mystical application
forged by the heart, power and will
of the feminine
pronounce it
and announce it
feel it
breathe it
and will it
so be it
Radical change is upon us. We are being moved out of our complacency into new ways of being. Pay close attention to the ways in which your lives are changing for as we move out of the old, shedding the familiar, we are walking through the door of great transformation.
As we create the new, in new places, new spaces, new relationships and new ways of thinking and being, the energy of these new creations are transforming everything. Pass through the doorway of transformation with faith and trust. Bring forth the power of a new creation of beauty and wonder and golden possibilities for we are the alchemists of the new world.
As we create the new, in new places, new spaces, new relationships and new ways of thinking and being, the energy of these new creations are transforming everything. Pass through the doorway of transformation with faith and trust. Bring forth the power of a new creation of beauty and wonder and golden possibilities for we are the alchemists of the new world.
The divine plan
moves into motion
the planets align
as the universe conspires
the clouds part
and the way is shown
second star to the right
and straight on till morning
I’m flying away
I’m breathing in stardust
I’m hitching my dream
to that bright shining star
I’m believing my way
to my divine destiny
heart open wide
I follow the stars
moves into motion
the planets align
as the universe conspires
the clouds part
and the way is shown
second star to the right
and straight on till morning
I’m flying away
I’m breathing in stardust
I’m hitching my dream
to that bright shining star
I’m believing my way
to my divine destiny
heart open wide
I follow the stars
If you wake in the morning eyes still closed and a fairy appears all in white and slowly flies up you know for sure our worlds are merging. I have always believed. I have always felt a part of nature, the trees, the sea, the stars, the animals, everything.
The at oneness with the earth is the doorway to magnificent worlds. The disconnect from Gaia closes the door to these worlds of possibility and takes us down a most treacherous path.
Do you know that your name has a divine purpose and vibration and every time it is spoken it’s essence and sound signature vibrates through every cell in your body and out into the world.
The awareness of all these things is moving us closer to who we are and where we are going. Meditate upon your name.
Can you hear it?
the atmosphere is alive
with everything
with love and hate
war and peace
the past, the present, the future
the geometry of the universe
is vibrating
a universal language
we are the receivers
the tuning forks
tune in
tune up
you are breathing it in
in every moment
breathe with the awareness
that you are a cosmic transformer
of love
the atmosphere is filled
with angels
I saw one before my eyes
as we evolve
and become aware
of more
aware of the sounds of the universe
and all that lies just beyond
what we ever thought possible
to see, to hear, to know
we foster in a new way of being
a new world
it is here
the atmosphere is filled
with angels
and love is vibrating
louder and louder
can you hear it?
the atmosphere is alive
with everything
with love and hate
war and peace
the past, the present, the future
the geometry of the universe
is vibrating
a universal language
we are the receivers
the tuning forks
tune in
tune up
you are breathing it in
in every moment
breathe with the awareness
that you are a cosmic transformer
of love
the atmosphere is filled
with angels
I saw one before my eyes
as we evolve
and become aware
of more
aware of the sounds of the universe
and all that lies just beyond
what we ever thought possible
to see, to hear, to know
we foster in a new way of being
a new world
it is here
the atmosphere is filled
with angels
and love is vibrating
louder and louder
can you hear it?
Laughter is the language of the angels. Laughter is the conductor of peace and unity. It is not only universal but effects worlds in all dimensions. Tears of compassion create a more compassionate world. Laughter brings harmony and merges with the musical spheres of Heaven. It is that which creates inspiration for the vibration of this is powerful and touches all with memories of home, where the infinite dwells, infinite love, infinite consolation, infinite inspiration.
Take nothing for granted. Live beyond all possibility. Merge with the Heavens. Be inspired, joyous, and be constantly aware of you energy…the sound of your voice, the vibration of your weeping, the power of your thoughts. Think, feel and be the compassionate, loving and joyous creators of all, for as you continue to merge with all that Heaven is made of, you feel in your hearts the true memory of all you are.
Grow in love. Live in peace. Speak only truth. Bring joy to all!
moving through the plan divine
letting go and letting in
weeping for the loves we've lost
when in truth they've all been found
whole and pure and sanctified
singing with a choir of angels
sweet and true and reunited
we all will be one day
I am the light of love
I am the memory of all that is love
my hands were made to comfort and heal
my eyes were made to see through illusion
my voice was given to speak only truth
my heart beats only through love’s consolation
I am the light of love
born to shine like the morning sun
born to give and receive true love
born to express my true divine nature
to live and breathe the memory of one
one heart, one world, one heaven created
I am the light of love
may love and peace prevail
I am the memory of all that is love
my hands were made to comfort and heal
my eyes were made to see through illusion
my voice was given to speak only truth
my heart beats only through love’s consolation
I am the light of love
born to shine like the morning sun
born to give and receive true love
born to express my true divine nature
to live and breathe the memory of one
one heart, one world, one heaven created
I am the light of love
may love and peace prevail
Oh heavenly star
guiding light of love
and hope
light my path
and guide my way
illuminate my heart
and magnify my soul
may I serve humanity
and offer myself
through the heart of love
and the grace of Heaven
In a world divided we come together
heart to heart and hand to hand
breathing in the divine emanation
of love and faith and peace everlasting
filling our hearts with this heavenly love
and breathing our intention
upon our land and her people
breathing it out to every tree and every rock
to every body of water
to every bird and every bee
blessing ourselves
and our brothers and our sisters
expanding our intention
beyond illusionary boundaries
riding the waves of our multidimensionality
opening our hearts
to our sovereignty and divinity
illuminating all
that has been hidden and forgotten
and emerging as one
in the light of the new earth
heart to heart and hand to hand
breathing in the divine emanation
of love and faith and peace everlasting
filling our hearts with this heavenly love
and breathing our intention
upon our land and her people
breathing it out to every tree and every rock
to every body of water
to every bird and every bee
blessing ourselves
and our brothers and our sisters
expanding our intention
beyond illusionary boundaries
riding the waves of our multidimensionality
opening our hearts
to our sovereignty and divinity
illuminating all
that has been hidden and forgotten
and emerging as one
in the light of the new earth
oh it is in the wishing
oh it is in the believing
for this is where magic lives
in the hearts and minds
that have turned to the dreaming
hearts that soar
on the wings of a prayer
minds that are open
to believe the impossible
for wishing and dreaming
create the believing
and the heart of believing
is where miracles are born
oh it is in the believing
for this is where magic lives
in the hearts and minds
that have turned to the dreaming
hearts that soar
on the wings of a prayer
minds that are open
to believe the impossible
for wishing and dreaming
create the believing
and the heart of believing
is where miracles are born
amazing grace
fill me and save me
from all of my doubts and all of my fears
from all my cautions and all my misgivings
from all that holds me in bondage here
amazing grace
open my heart
and help me to feel the light within
lift me and guide me strengthen and find me
comfort me now in my yearning for home
amazing grace
carry me forward
illuminate all so I may reveal
my soul and calling and my true longing
my desire to be pure grace unfolding
fill me and save me
from all of my doubts and all of my fears
from all my cautions and all my misgivings
from all that holds me in bondage here
amazing grace
open my heart
and help me to feel the light within
lift me and guide me strengthen and find me
comfort me now in my yearning for home
amazing grace
carry me forward
illuminate all so I may reveal
my soul and calling and my true longing
my desire to be pure grace unfolding
pass through the sea of uncertainty
ride the waves so stormy onto a new shore
for there the wind shall ease and the sun shall shine
and the birds shall sing a magnificent new song
and the heart of love shall be one with the earth
and the song in each heart shall harmonize sweetly
with the song of your destiny
offer up each small impatience
offer up each wound and heartbreak
offer up your love unending
offer up your soul expanding
offer truth uncompromising
offer your light infinite and shining
offer all you have to give
offer all
ride the waves so stormy onto a new shore
for there the wind shall ease and the sun shall shine
and the birds shall sing a magnificent new song
and the heart of love shall be one with the earth
and the song in each heart shall harmonize sweetly
with the song of your destiny
offer up each small impatience
offer up each wound and heartbreak
offer up your love unending
offer up your soul expanding
offer truth uncompromising
offer your light infinite and shining
offer all you have to give
offer all
The Trees
She sits beneath the Standing One
open to receive, she opens her heart
and in this willingness and knowing
the natural world opens it's arms
and the exchange begins...
there are angels among us
Divine energy showers upon and bathes the Standing Ones in the light, beauty and knowledge of all of heaven. Their arms open ever wide to give and to receive divine love for their branches reach most high unto heaven and their roots grow deep within the earth. There is much that they offer for never shall you know what beauty has been given when gazing upon or passing by an elder such as this. They offer their beauty, yes, and their towering strength. They stand as temples of the most holy, reveling in the songs of the winged ones, breathing in the majesty of heaven and of earth.
Their quiet majesty speaks. Their ancient wisdom offers. Their holy vow radiates. They are one with all.
Give and you shall receive. Offer a prayer of gratitude to these natural most ancient wonders, for it is not fully known the offering that they give. They stand as testimony to heaven and earth. They are eternal living portals of divine love and knowledge, embracing and communing with all. Raise your awareness beyond the treetops. Lift your faces and breathe in this wisdom, for the time is at hand to be one with all, to give and to receive, with every living being. Rest yourself upon her body. Nourish yourself beneath her arms. But as you receive, you must also give, for the time is at hand and the way is shown. Open your hearts and merge with the majesty of the Standing Ones who are one with all. For here and now all is expanded, here and now the truth stands tall as you awaken and live in conscious you awaken and live at one with all.
open to receive, she opens her heart
and in this willingness and knowing
the natural world opens it's arms
and the exchange begins...
there are angels among us
Divine energy showers upon and bathes the Standing Ones in the light, beauty and knowledge of all of heaven. Their arms open ever wide to give and to receive divine love for their branches reach most high unto heaven and their roots grow deep within the earth. There is much that they offer for never shall you know what beauty has been given when gazing upon or passing by an elder such as this. They offer their beauty, yes, and their towering strength. They stand as temples of the most holy, reveling in the songs of the winged ones, breathing in the majesty of heaven and of earth.
Their quiet majesty speaks. Their ancient wisdom offers. Their holy vow radiates. They are one with all.
Give and you shall receive. Offer a prayer of gratitude to these natural most ancient wonders, for it is not fully known the offering that they give. They stand as testimony to heaven and earth. They are eternal living portals of divine love and knowledge, embracing and communing with all. Raise your awareness beyond the treetops. Lift your faces and breathe in this wisdom, for the time is at hand to be one with all, to give and to receive, with every living being. Rest yourself upon her body. Nourish yourself beneath her arms. But as you receive, you must also give, for the time is at hand and the way is shown. Open your hearts and merge with the majesty of the Standing Ones who are one with all. For here and now all is expanded, here and now the truth stands tall as you awaken and live in conscious you awaken and live at one with all.
On a dark and starry night
as I stand beneath the moon
I bathe in the light
as I feel her soft embrace
when the moon calls my name
and the world is ever still
my soul begins to sigh
and I remember who I am
in the forest deep love is quietly waiting
in the cool, crisp night hope is sweetly breathing
among the falling stars streams of heaven greet us
paths of golden moonlight encourage us to wander
to wander and to dream beyond all expectations
to revel in the majesty of nature pure and splendid
to fill our hearts with all this world is here to offer
to breathe the stars of heaven and the sacred golden moonlight
to merge our own true nature with the trees, the wind and sky
to plant our feet upon the earth with arms embracing heaven
to call upon our own true name and thankfully feel all blessings
remembering we are here to love to lift the hearts of others
to be the shining lights of love to guide our pathway home
in the cool, crisp night hope is sweetly breathing
among the falling stars streams of heaven greet us
paths of golden moonlight encourage us to wander
to wander and to dream beyond all expectations
to revel in the majesty of nature pure and splendid
to fill our hearts with all this world is here to offer
to breathe the stars of heaven and the sacred golden moonlight
to merge our own true nature with the trees, the wind and sky
to plant our feet upon the earth with arms embracing heaven
to call upon our own true name and thankfully feel all blessings
remembering we are here to love to lift the hearts of others
to be the shining lights of love to guide our pathway home
The Animal Kingdom
Feel every animal upon the planet
connecting their hearts…to one another….and to you
feel the power in this gift magnificent
this oneness acknowledged…this memory of love
feel the energy of each and every species
from the mountains and valleys
from the desert and the sea
all merging together…as each breath becomes one
as the breath of the lion becomes one with the dove
as they dance in the sea, as they soar up above
as they move upon the earth emanating love
they come ever forward sending their message
from every corner of this bountiful earth
breathe in the wisdom of the animal kingdom
see and feel one universal heart
the heart of the kingdom ascending in love
and the ascension shall be in the merging of hearts
and the kingdom shall bow and rise upon this truth
until every breath and heart unites
and the kingdoms of heaven and earth become one
connecting their hearts…to one another….and to you
feel the power in this gift magnificent
this oneness acknowledged…this memory of love
feel the energy of each and every species
from the mountains and valleys
from the desert and the sea
all merging together…as each breath becomes one
as the breath of the lion becomes one with the dove
as they dance in the sea, as they soar up above
as they move upon the earth emanating love
they come ever forward sending their message
from every corner of this bountiful earth
breathe in the wisdom of the animal kingdom
see and feel one universal heart
the heart of the kingdom ascending in love
and the ascension shall be in the merging of hearts
and the kingdom shall bow and rise upon this truth
until every breath and heart unites
and the kingdoms of heaven and earth become one
Call of the Dolphins and the Whales
Freedom dwells only in equality. Those who exist in the sea emanate a loving vibration of freedom, their purpose to imbue us with the joy and exultation that freedom brings. Our hearts leap with joy as we bear witness to their majesty. Our souls remember what joy is found in unbridled playfulness.
There is spiritual nourishment where the sea and sky meet. There is magic where the sea and sky meet and the majestic ones play. There is hope and wisdom riding on their backs. There is honor and nobility in their eyes. There is love of family as they glide side by side, all elements of nature harmoniously existing and serving humanity.
As we move through this most crucial time, these keepers of light and knowledge call to us, sing to us, blessing us with all that they are. They are calling us home. They are awakening our hearts. They speak the language of universal love. They ride the waves of multidimensionality. They beckon us to remember we are one heart, one world, one magnificent creation, born to remember love. They are ever so joyfully willing to commune with us, connecting our hearts to the sea and the sky and to each one of them. They are aiding us in ways that are beyond our comprehension at this time.
They call us forth now to meditate upon the sea, the sky, the sun and the moon, to breathe in the stars of heaven and to merge with our ancient and wise brothers and sisters of the sea as humanity strives to restore balance on earth.
The Passing
now you have seen and felt firsthand
the way of the passing
the beauty, the desperateness, the love
the joy and the sorrow
for this truly is life lived, and life felt
when all falls away and only love remains
for there in the quiet of the last remaining breaths
the Holy Spirit breathes for the one
who's journey upon the earth draws to a close
and in these moments there is a glimmer of light
seen with only the eyes of the soul
and this light illuminates the journey home
as loving hearts help prepare the way
the beauty in this can fill a room
the majesty of this can change a heart
the glory of this surpasses none
for the hour comes when Heaven calls
and the breath that seems so tired and weak
becomes the breath of everlasting life
✶ ✶ ✶
when darkness turns to light
when hope becomes surrender
when the battle cry goes silent
and love overcomes all fear
when tears wash away unspoken dreams
and heartbreak breathes compassion
then heaven opens silently
and calls his spiritual name
and gathers him home in fields of gold
where the angels bow to greet him
the way of the passing
the beauty, the desperateness, the love
the joy and the sorrow
for this truly is life lived, and life felt
when all falls away and only love remains
for there in the quiet of the last remaining breaths
the Holy Spirit breathes for the one
who's journey upon the earth draws to a close
and in these moments there is a glimmer of light
seen with only the eyes of the soul
and this light illuminates the journey home
as loving hearts help prepare the way
the beauty in this can fill a room
the majesty of this can change a heart
the glory of this surpasses none
for the hour comes when Heaven calls
and the breath that seems so tired and weak
becomes the breath of everlasting life
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when darkness turns to light
when hope becomes surrender
when the battle cry goes silent
and love overcomes all fear
when tears wash away unspoken dreams
and heartbreak breathes compassion
then heaven opens silently
and calls his spiritual name
and gathers him home in fields of gold
where the angels bow to greet him